Reverse Spherification – Making Food Pearls

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Published on: December 16, 2013

 Spherification in molecular gastronomy is the process of taking a liquid and turning it into a ball of jelly with the centre still in liquid form.  Spherification is achieved by one of two methods, “Spherification” and “Reverse Spherification”.  For this post I’ll be focusing on Reverse Spherification because it is the one I used to make the grapefruit and raspberry pearls for my tasting menu.  See the recipes here: Langoustine and Lobster Cannelloni with Grapefruit[…]

Beetroot Jelly

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Published on: October 8, 2013

 I love beetroot, it’s a wonderful vegetable.  Beetroot and stovies, beetroot in stews and beetroot in jelly.  Beetroot jelly reminds me of when I was a kid, one of our neighbours discovered I liked beetroot (he grew a lot of his own veg in his garden and would always give me something to take home).  He told me about jelly beetroot, it sounded strange to me but the next time he made some, he gave[…]

Candied Rosemary

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Published on: October 8, 2013

 Candied rosemary is easy to do.  It makes for a nice addition to teas and desserts or in my case, my Forest Floor recipe.  This particular recipe is more “sugared” than “candied” but it doesn’t make much difference.     Ingredients: 16 sprigs Fresh Rosemary 8 sprigs Fresh Thyme 200g Sugar 250ml Water   Method: 1.  Bring the water to a boil in a small pan. 2.  Steep the thyme sprigs in the water for[…]

Homemade Chips

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Published on: July 18, 2012

 I first made these chips with my Turbot and sweetcorn sauce recipe.  I pretty much made it up as I was going but they turned out really well.  I decided to separate the chips from the main recipe as I will probably reuse them in other dishes! It’s easy to go out and just buy some nice frozen oven chips, it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s cheap.  There is nothing wrong with frozen chips but[…]

Soft Polenta

Categories: Recipes, Side Dish, West
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 10, 2011

 I’m growing to love Polenta and its unique flavour and texture.  I like how versatile it is, baked, fried or boiled… with cheese, with butter or with olive oil.  There are lots of ways to use Polenta and this recipe is perhaps one of the most common, using milk instead of water gives the Polenta a much richer taste.  I use this recipe a lot so instead of adding it to every recipe, I’ll just[…]

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