Not much activity here on the site but that’s because I’m currently eating my way around Italy. I’ve had some amazing food so far, pici pasta, fried zucchini flowers and cacio e pepe to name a few. Some reviews and new recipes will certainly follow! Ciao!
Gin & Yang
Site Update – 2
Once again I have changed the site’s theme. It’s now back to the Fast Food theme but I’ve made a few style changes as there were quite a few things I liked with the “temporary” theme I was using. You might also have noticed that my wife, Phoebe has joined the site – RainbowChef. She will be posting a few recipes to add a little more variety (and activity) to the site. Look forward to[…]
Site Update
As you might have noticed, I’ve changed the theme to the site! Sadly the recent word press update completely ruined the old theme (after I had got it working just the way I wanted). I’ve now switched to this theme, probably as a short term option as it doesn’t allow me to post article summaries and that makes the main page too long for my liking. I’ll also be adding an additional pair of hands[…]
Update from Malaysia
I’m eating my way across Malaysia at the moment. I’ll have a couple updates when I return. In the meantime you can follow some of my updates on twitter!
Up and running
Finally got the blog all up and running – many tweaks to come. Feel free to let me know what you think of it so far, it’s still a work in progress but I’ll get there (eventually)! Find me on